Saturday, June 20, 2009

Past Post Update

To be honest I've been battling with writer's block today. Well actually with idea block, because once I get a decent idea for a blog the words usually flow easily. The spelling and proper grammatical use of said words are a whole other problem. (as I'm sure you've noticed if you have read my previous posts.) So because of this idea embargo, I will use today to update you on the progress of the things I've spoken about in previous posts.

Terrible Twosday
My little Nat Nat is still in the midst of this wonderful stage. As I write this, she is screaming (her preferred mode of getting her way), about something her Mom did or didn't do. But thanks to her Grammy, this stage is no longer terrible. She is from now on experiencing her "Tender Twos".

Immediate Job Opening
Adriana, did not get to go on her vacation, and continues to carry on diligently with her duties. Her dedication to the kids still awes me, and I still appreciate all that she does. Though, I wish that the death ray looks she can send my way, would ease up just a bit. (I think she's reading this over my back as I type, because I'm getting the death stare as we speak.)

The Truth About Where We Come From
I am still unashamedly a Neil Diamond Fan! He still however has not answered any of my texts, calls, or emails, and all my kosher gift baskets keep coming back Return to Sender style. I did receive a very nice letter from his lawyer, thanking me for being such a big fan, and asking me not to come within 100 yards of Neil at anytime!

Going Green
Well, my five point plan "Project Green Go", was a complete failure. The professor declined to help with the project for "personal reasons." Between you and me, I think he was offended by the boat fixing comment. Without him on board, the whole project was doomed. Seriously though, Adriana and I have renewed our dedication to going green. Today, we committed ourselves to a small monthly donation to Greenpeace. If you have any inclination to go green, I highly recommend going to their website. I do warn you that you may never be the same after reading about this stuff. I for one, will never wear a pair of Nike's, or use a Kleenex ever again... Go Green By Picking Your Nose!?

That's all the updates I have for now. I would like to thank my loyal readers (all 4 of you) for reading my stuff. I hope that you are finding it some what entertaining. I would also like to thank my sister with the big head and her husband, for their encouragement and kind words about my blog. They both inspire me to keep it going.

1 comment:

  1. Great grammar my friend! Thanks for the updates.

    So Grammy beat me out for the renaming of the Terrible Two's huh? That's ok. I agree that "Tender Two's" is a lot better than "Tenacious Two's".

    I'm going to call you tomorrow to send you my Father's Day wishes. Hope you are having a fun weekend with the family.
