Friday, June 5, 2009

The Truth about Where we come from

The other day I watched my oldest (Nicole), putting her baby into timeout. I recognized every word she said because it was an exact inactment of what I do when I put her in time out. I mean she even got the tone of voice and finger pointing right. Though, I think she was a little bit bossier than I was.. OK so she's a bit bossy, shes gonna make a great C.E.O, or Navy Seal!

Anyway, it got me thinking about how much of our personality and interests are recieved just from the pure repetition of watching your parents do something over and over again during your entire childhood. Here are the top things that I inherited from my parents, that I wouldnt be caught dead doing in public.
  • When no one else is around and M.A.S.H reruns come on the T.V...... break the remote cuz da channel aint gonna be a changin! Thanks Mom
  • Also thanks to Mom, I will not turn the station when Neil Diamond is on the radio.. Ok Im not gonna lie I adore the man, I jam to Neil all the time.. Get me a sequins(sure I did'nt spell that right) jumpsuit and some fake chest hair and I am ready to hit the road!! Come on Neil just call me already!! My favorite is Song Song Blue... Cuz funny thing you can sing it with a smile in your voice..Then you start feelin good. You simply got no choice!!
  • I once found myself licking my finger and rubbing a spot off Nicole's face.. I nearly passed out it was pure instict.. But my little Nicole did something I never thought to do when it happened to me.. She looks up at me and says "Daddy thats Discuusting!! Why would you do that?! I vowed to never again to do it and praised her for figuring out at such a young age, how to make it stop.. I mean my Mom cleaned my face as I was waiting for Adriana to come outside and marry me! (backyard wedding)
  • Dad also had his contributions.. Six words for you - How do You Scare a Bee? Enough said.
  • I cant wait for the day when I get to sit a kid down and give them the ole "Success is like a bunch of carrots, and your the rabbit, so you got to chase after those carrots down and eat them" speech.
  • Dad also taught me to love and respect your wife.. and for that I am extremely thankful!

So heres hoping that my kiddos dont pick up too many of my bad habits. Duran Duran and White Snake are cool!!? Right?

P.S. Never write anything down you would not want written on the Front Page of the Newspaper!! - Good Advice Mom!


  1. I think you picked up more habits than I did. You're such a sheep. Just kidding. I think you've picked up more because you're a parent now yourself. Please don't scare the bees.

  2. Ah, the old nature vs nurture argument. I suppose you're taking the nurture road? I tend to believe that we become a combination of the two. There are definitely those little things my mom used to do that I still repeat. From time to time I'll tell Maryellen "Bunny-snow-shoes" when we're going to bed. That is my mom's version of Buenas Noches.

    I can't however approve of the Neil Diamond fascination. That is one my nature side dismissed early on. That being said, I am a fan of ABBA for the same reason. I think that was my moms favorite band when I was a kid.

    By the way, great posts buddy. I thoroughly enjoy reading them. Keep it up, and tell the fam hello.


  3. I did not clean your face at the wedding! Niel Diamond is still cool.

  4. Gross!! So who cleaned my face!?

  5. Dude - this post made me laugh out loud because I realize that often when I am dealing with Eliza - mom invades my body. I recently said to her "If you don't want to eat your dinner that is fine BUT it is a long time until breakfast!" I was so shocked that I said it that I began to look around for mom . . . those words certainly didn't come out of my mouth. And just so you know . . . Duran Duran is VERY cool . . . at least that is what I keep telling my husband!

  6. lol... I recently told a kid that works for me to pull up his pants cuz i didnt want people to think I had gangsters working for me.. mom was that you?
